What content does Doody’s license?
Four separate content offerings are available:
Doody's Star Ratings have become an industry standard. Our audience relies on our star rating system to make acquisition decisions. License our star ratings.
License the contents to the current edition of Doody's Core Titles and ensure your users become familiar with the must-have titles in the areas that they collect.
Doody's Special Topics Lists help users understand the most important titles in areas that are trending. A DSTL license keeps your audience up-to-date with the hottest areas of interest.
Why is Doody’s content unique in the field of healthcare publications?
Every month, our network of 140+ English-language health science publishers sends their latest books and publications to Doody Enterprises and we commission independent expert reviews of the majority of those titles for inclusion in the Doody’s Book Reviews™ database. DEI is the only organization publishing timely and authoritative reviews of newly published books in 140 specialties in the health sciences, including the basic sciences, clinical medicine, nursing, associated health professions, and other healthcare disciplines (e.g., medical ethics, informatics, etc.). In addition to Doody’s Reviews, DEI also licenses just the Doody’s Star Rating based on the expert’s review and the expert selection and listing of titles in each year’s new edition of Doody’s Core Titles, which represents the most select list of book publications in more than 120 health sciences specialties.
Who licenses this content set from Doody Enterprises?
Health sciences book distributors, eBook aggregators and other intermediaries with metadata about health sciences books, medical journals, participating publishers in Doody’s Book Review Service, and online book retailers.
How and how often is licensed data transferred to licenses?
Some licensing organizations receive Doody’s data in csv or xml file attachments to an e-mail, others get it delivered to an ftp site or via web services. Updates of the reviews and star ratings are provided monthly, depending on the licensee’s preference. Extant files of Doody’s Core Titles are provided just once a year, on the day the new edition of Doody’s Core Titles is published. Doody’s Special Topics List files are delivered quarterly on the day the new list is published.
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